Rothman Institute offers forums for 2003

   The descriptions below are those provided by the institute. For a list of contacts or information on previous programs, go to
Each year, the Rothman Institute presents a series of six programs, each of which is related to the year’s theme, plus a year-end social. The program is sponsored by McCarter & English LLP, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, Summit Bank and Summit Financial Resources, Inc.
   This year’s theme is Managing Together: Building Winning Family Business Teams. While the programs include a certain amount of straight lecture, there’s more of a focus on cooperative learning and simulations/role playing. On tap this year are:
   Jan. 30 — Get On My Case: Participatory exercises in entrepreneurial skills and challenges within the Family Business. Featured Speaker: Leonard Green
   Entrepreneurship and successful family businesses go hand in hand. This challenging session is patterned after Leonard Green’s award winning course and his personal experiences in working with his three children in seven family businesses. Two teams will be formed to compete to solve family business challenges through an interactive case study.
   March 13 — Keeping Everyone Involved . . . and Informed. Featured Speaker: Phil Clemens
   What are the different roles in your family business and why is it critical to keep everyone involved and aware of who’s who and who’s what? Phil Clemens facilitates this dialogue on the key to keeping people involved. Should you keep spouses and children informed or involved? Why are the most dangerous shareholders those who are kept involved when they don’t want to be involved? How do you handle a case of jealousy? What do you do with family members who want to get involved in the business when they have no business getting involved and how do you "un" involve someone? Tackle these issues and share helpful tips.
   May 8 — Crash-Proofing Your Business. Featured Speaker: Ethné Swartz, PhD
   Family businesses tend to spend their time on the business and the family. Many feel they do not have the time to plan for a disaster or other disruption to their business. However, whether and how well your company will recover from such an event is often determined by how prepared your company is before the event occurs. This session will deal with how your business can best undertake continuity planning and ensure you are prepared to survive a calamity. Dr. Swartz will present a simple framework for understanding the issue of preparedness, which members can use as the basis of a simple continuity action plan.
   June 19 — Business Killers. Featured Speakers: Forum Sponsors
   Hear about and discuss how to avoid the mistakes that can destroy your business and your future. Presented by experts from the Forum’s own sponsor organizations, this workshop identifies six critical issues that should be considered to protect the business and the family’s financial future. You’ll evaluate your business killers risks using a Risk Barometer and take away solid recommendations for ways to guard your investment in the future, the family business.
   Sept. 18 — A Management Playbook for Family Business. Featured Speaker: John Cioffi
   Business families, as well as work groups, are teams. Examine team characteristics and stages of formation to maximize effectiveness. Using a workshop format, participants form teams and are "coached" through the application of team problem-solving principles. Learn how to address obstacles and increase performance through leadership direction, communication, interpersonal skills and conflict management. Use a seven-step problem-solving process. Integrate "total quality/personal quality" principles into daily operations.
   Nov. 13 — Using Inquiry and Storytelling to Optimize Your Company’s Strategy. Featured Speaker: T. Waldmann-Williams, Ph.D.
   Find out how a family business can optimize the untold thinking and greatness of employees by asking the right questions. Stories and questions create an organization’s culture and strategy. Individuals have a wealth of untapped and unused competencies. Using an experiential approach, attendees will learn methods for team building, identifying individual competencies, strategic thinking, and inquiry to recognize and release that potential.
   Dec. 10 — Family Business Forum Holiday Cocktail Party
   This festive, year-end social gathering of Forum members and sponsors, their families and University officials is a time to relax and enjoy each other’s company.
These programs are available with membership in the Family Business Forum. A full program description is available from the Institute. For more information call (973) 443-8842.